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100次浏览     发布时间:2024-08-01 08:17:03    

1.别放弃,你那么努力,会遇到最好的。晚安!Don't give up, you will work hard and you will meet the best. good night!

2.悲喜都要过,何必不快乐。晚安!Sorrow and joy must pass, why not be happy. good night!

3.我有一点点甜,一点点可爱,还有很多很多喜欢你。晚安!I am a little bit sweet, a little cute, and a lot more like you. good night!

4.万物都在努力获得新生的季节,你也要加油啊!晚安!Everything is trying to get a new season, you have to cheer! good night!

5.愿你仰面就是太阳,就着光野蛮生长;愿你低头见花草和芬芳,夜里也是好梦一场。晚安!May you rise to the sun, and grow wildly. May you bow down to see flowers and fragrances, and night is a good dream. good night!

6.辛苦一阵子,幸福一辈子;快活一阵子,辛苦一辈子。晚安!Hard work for a while, happy for a lifetime; happy for a while, hard work for a lifetime. good night!

7.宇宙茫茫,那些星星点点里,总有一处幸福是属于你的。晚安!The universe is awkward, and in those stars, there is always a happiness that belongs to you. good night!

8.我希望你能大大方方的不快乐,更希望你能一直快乐。晚安!I hope that you will be unhappy and hope that you will always be happy. good night!

9.只要你坚持,你想要的都会慢慢到来。晚安!As long as you insist, what you want will come slowly. good night!

10.只要你还在笑,那这个世界。就不算太糟糕。As long as you are still laughing, that world. Not too bad.

11.或许你会迷失方向,但不要迷失自己。晚安!Maybe you will lose your way, but don't lose yourself. good night!

12.别沮丧,生活就像心电图,一帆风顺就证明你挂了。晚安!Don't be depressed, life is like an electrocardiogram, and it's easy to prove that you are hanging. good night!

13.人生长路漫漫,往后余生我想与你为伴。晚安!The road to growth is long, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. good night!

14.愿一切为之努力的事情皆有所成。晚安!I hope that everything that works for it will be successful. good night!

15.人不能总尽如人意,但可以选择顺自己的意。晚安!People can't always be as good as they want, but they can choose to follow their own wishes. good night!

16.所有艰难困苦的到来,只是为了成为过去。晚安!The arrival of all hardships is just to become a thing of the past. good night!

17.活得潇洒一点,让笑容成为心情而不是表情。晚安!Live a little more, let the smile become a mood rather than an expression. good night!
