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唯美英语情话表白句子 ,精辟,喜欢的拿走

100次浏览     发布时间:2024-10-05 09:32:38    


You must have stolen many people's Spring English because you are so cute.

2.一辈子就那么长 不找个能让自己笑的人多可惜

What a pity it is not to find someone who can make you laugh

3.时间没有让我忘记你 只是让我习惯没有你

Time didn't make me forget you just made me accustomed to not having you.

4.最长的路也有尽头 最黑暗的夜晚也会迎接清晨

The longest way must have its close; the gloomiest night will wear on to a morning.

5.比孤独更孤独的 是和错的人在一起

Lonelier than loneliness is being with the wrong people.


Don't want to hear who you fall in love with.

7.怀旧的人 始终像个拾荒者

Nostalgic person always like a scavenger.

8.你也许不会再喜欢他 但你始终会在意

You may not like him but you will always care.

9.如果 我一直不去打扰你 你可能会忘了我吧

If I don't bother you, you may forget me.

10.祝我们再遇见 都能比现在过得更好

I wish we could meet again better than the present.

11.你让我委屈 可我还是爱你.

You wronged me but I still love you.

12.你看这个人 嘴上说喜欢我 却总是让我这么难过

You look at this person's mouth said like I always make me so sad

13.有时不是世界太虚伪 只是我们太天真

Sometimes not the world is too hypocritical but we are too naive


No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world

15.对自己好一点 因为没人会把你当全世界

Be good to yourself because no one will take you as the world


Tired to the depths, to know that the original is reluctant.

17.其实眼睛会说话 如果用心看的话

In fact, the eyes can speak, if you look carefully.


You never know what you're going to let me down.

19.我把青春耗在暗恋里 却不能和你在一起

put the youth in love, but can not be with you.

20.透支了眼泪 我们便会没心没肺的笑

Mad laughter follows the drought of tears.
